Face it. The real reason you can’t find your soul mate through that hook-up app is that you’re using it wrong. You must not be clicking on the right button, otherwise Mr. Right would have appeared by now!
Consider that if you find yourself doing any of the following 5 things, you might be blocking your way to finding your real soul mate.
You’re not being honest with yourself about what you’re NOT willing to put up with.
For example, you have continued to see someone who’s made it clear he’s not ready for a relationship – with you. Yet that’s somehow okay with you, because, well, you decided you’re ready for a relationship with HIM.
Not having clear boundaries around what kind of a relationship you deserve, could leave you in denial about a bad situation, and slowly eat away at your self-esteem and self-value.
You’re not being honest with your dates about what you’re looking for in a relationship. Too many times people say that women shouldn’t reveal off the bat if they’re looking for a committed, monogamous relationship.
But, why not? It’s not like you have to tell him on the first date that you’re looking for a committed, monogamous relationship with HIM, per se. Just that you’re seeking one of those in general.
If you find yourself very weak-minded that you could freak out and run away after you hear that, you should consider yourself to be lucky without him. Besides, if at the moment he is not looking for a committed and monogamous relationship himself, then you have just saved yourself a lot of problems down the line, i.e., after you have become attached and he is headed for the hills.
You are chasing guys but don’t think it’s a problem.
Are you following up with him the day before a scheduled date, just to make sure you’re still on? Are you initiating contact of any kind with him? Are you planning the date? Calling him just to check in when you haven’t heard from him?
Trust me. If a guy likes you and wants to see you, you will know it. It doesn’t matter which of the sex dating apps you found him on. Let him come to you. Don’t chase him, otherwise, you will never know where you stand with him.
You’re giving up too easily after a few unsuccessful dates, then blaming the dating app. It is frustrating when you’re the kind of person who likes to have control over everything in your life, to not know when love is going to show up for you. But rest assured that if you exist, he’s somewhere out there too.
Spend your time in the hook-up apps to find what gives your life meaning, purpose, and joy, keep going out on dates and set a real intention to figure out how to love yourself. When that happens, it’s only a matter of time before you eventually click on the button that will reveal your soul mate. …